Summer Internship for ECE Students

  • Summer Internship for ECE Students


Training Fee

Rs.6500 /-

May June July

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MANOJ: +91 9676190678


407, 4th Floor, Pavani Prestige (R.S Brothers)Building, Ameerpet, Hyderabad, India Opposite Image Hospital & Beside KLM Fashion Mall.

About Summer Internship for ECE Students

An internship can give a student professional work experience in a secure and structured atmosphere while also assisting them with their studies. A worksite mentor and a school-based internship coordinator are typically assigned to interns. The worksite mentor will assist a student in receiving training and providing advice on how to manage a specific work culture and engage with coworkers. The whole point of an internship Is that it will teach you everything you need to know about the profession you wish to pursue. Every year, Tru Projects offers Summer Internships for ECE students in order to assist as many students as feasible. Our company’s Summer Internship programme for ece students will provide you with an industry-level insight to how large firms in a variety of industries operate. We provide a wide range of  internship opportunities for you to choose from. Finding summer internship opportunities for ece students is never easy, but it isn’t at TruProjects.

We have a wide variety of internships available during the summer. If you are currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in technology, the Summer Internship Program for ece Students will be extremely beneficial. Our Online Summer Internship Institute for ece Students will allow you to work and operate from the comfort of your own home. Apart from that, by participating in our Online Summer Internship Program for ece students, you will learn a lot of knowledge, work with all types of experts, and engage with other students. This Student Summer Internship for ece Students will most likely improve your current skill set, allowing you to become a more qualified candidate.

When we discuss training, we’re referring to the process of honing your skills both conceptually and operationally. In the Summer Internship for Students for ece Students, you will learn not only the essential principles, but also the complex and important variables. It is true that learning new skills is vital, as you are well aware of the level of competition that exists nowadays in any  tech industry. You will always be one step ahead of your peers if you participate in TruProjects’ Summer Internship Training for ece Students. Our institute also provides a one-of-a-kind IT Summer Internship for ece students.

This internship will focus on IT ideas, allowing you to become an expert in the field, especially if you are a student in the IT field. Every year, we hold Summer Intern Openings for ece students, where we watch interested brains employ their creative skills to enhance themselves. During the summer, most people spend their time doing exciting things, but what if you could learn in a pleasant way while only spending a few hours a day? Doesn’t it seem impossible?

However, yes! The answer is our Online Summer Internship for ece Students. You can now gain new abilities while still having fun during your summer vacation by participating in our online Summer Internship with Certificate for ece Students. Our Software Engineering Summer Internship for ece students is another popular internship. Students from a variety of fields come to us asking if they may switch to software engineering and acquire a job. We assure you that it is entirely doable. What’s more, our Software Development Internship for ece Students will assist you in learning everything you need to know.

The advantage of a Software Engineering Internship for ece students is that you can begin working on basic projects and transition to advanced work as soon as you develop an understanding. TruProjects is the place to go if you’re looking for a company to work for as a Software Engineer Intern for ece Students or a Software Development Engineer Intern for ece Students. Furthermore, the Software Development Engineer Internship for ece students is likely to be of considerable benefit to you in the future because it gives you the opportunity to work in such an atmosphere while still a student.

Without a doubt, the Software Engineering Internship Program for ece students benefits students in a variety of ways, including the ability to interact with supervisors and contribute to our organisation. If software interests you, we strongly advise you to apply for our Software Engineer Summer Internship for ece students. Our Virtual Summer Internship for ece Students is designed to ensure that our students may work as interns even when they are not in the classroom. They do not have to be physically there to complete the task. By this time, students in their last year should understand the value of an internship. Call us right now if you’re looking for an Internship for final year students for ece students. You can always choose our Summer Final Year Internship for ece Students if you want to learn more before applying for jobs.

Final Year Summer Internships for ece Students are developed exclusively for final year students who are applying to firms in the technology industry. Batches of students will be instructed in this manner. TruProjects recommends that students take advantage of any Student Internship Opportunities for ece Students that come their way. Internship programmes for ECE students typically assist students in determining what they should learn and what they should skip. One of the primary advantages of participating in our Internship Training Program for ece Students is the ability to better plan for your professional aspirations. And we are constantly striving to be the Best Internship Training Institute for ece Students and to provide as much assistance as possible.

Tru Projects also offers Internship Certificate Training for ece students. The credential you get will be quite valuable, especially when it comes time to prepare a résumé for future employment opportunities. It’s difficult to discover a good internship program for ece students, however you can find them all at our company. The biggest advantage is that you’ll be able to use it as an online internship training programme for ece students. You’ll be able to use this option for a variety of other internships, giving you the most freedom possible. Another benefit of the online engineering internship is that you can balance your undergraduate studies while learning and working for us.

When students desire the Best long term Internship Training for ece students, it is an understandable request. We agree that it is critical because Long Term Internship Training for ece Students helps us to train our students in a more effective and time-efficient manner. We can also understand the students’ needs and guide them in the long term with the support of the Long Term Internship Program for ece students. Professional Internship for ECE Students is sought by many alumni and even current students. We allocate tasks and mentors to them based on their ambitions, goals, and future aspirations. Many students anticipate any paid internship for engineering students or ece students.

At Tru Projects, you’ll find something similar. The real-world summer internship for ece students will assist students in gaining not just knowledge, but also confidence and self-belief. We ensure that the mentors provide a comfortable environment for the students during their real-time summer internship programme for ece students. All of our mentors contact each student, especially throughout the Online Internships for ece Students, to ensure that they understand all of the lessons given. For ece students, we also offer a Full Time Summer Internship Program for ece students or a Full Time Paid Summer Internship for ece students. As previously said, you have a variety of possibilities from which to choose. The benefit of a Summer College Student Internship for ece students is that you will receive essential experience that will assist you in correctly planning your career.

Long-term internship opportunities for ece students are usually available for a variety of internships; you can contact us for more information. The Summer Internship Training Course for ece Students, as previously indicated, will allow us to explore several career paths. You can also work in accordance with the Online Summer Internship Training for ece Students option. Programming Internships for ece Students are one of our most popular internships. Our Internship Program For Graduate For ece Students has proven to be quite beneficial to students over the years, as it aids in the development of coding abilities.

In our Internship Program For Freshers For ece Students, we cover all of the fundamentals of programming from the get go. Our Summer Analyst Opportunity for ece students is another unique internship. This internship will provide you with the appropriate training in data analytics. Our summer internship for undergraduate ECE students will pique your curiosity. The training will include participation in a variety of activities, making it easier for you to identify your areas of interest. The Summer Research Internship for ece students allows you to conduct in-depth research on your desired area.

Researchers are frequently the ones that analyse the benefits and disadvantages and assist us in correcting what we can. It is undoubtedly one of Tru Projects’ most unique internships. Our Summer Research Internship Program for ece Students is the perfect alternative for you if you want to pursue research-oriented positions in the future. With our research Internships for undergraduates for ece students, you’ll be able to figure out which specialisation you’re interested in and gain practical experience. Finding an Engineering Internship Program for ece students in India is really difficult.

TruProjects provides a diverse selection of possibilities, including our Summer Technical Internship Program for ECE students. Our Certification Internship Undergraduates for ece Students will also give you a certificate at the end of your time with us. This certification can help you get a better job. Participating in the Paid Certification Summer Internship for ece Students will allow you to earn money while interning at the company.

Paid Programming is another option for students. Tru Projects also offers a summer internship programme for ece students. Which pays them For students, there is a Paid Summer Internship Program for ece students which allows them to learn programming at a higher level while also earning money. We believe that the Intern Programme for ece Students is better suited to students who are serious about learning to code. Because programming requires students to use their problem-solving talents to their full potential, the intern programme for ece students will assist them in developing their own concepts.

You’ll have a lot of possibilities, such as the Paid Summer Internship Program for ece Students or the Programming Intern Undergraduates for ece Students. If you want to improve your analytical and logical thinking skills, you might choose to work as a Paid Programming Summer Intern for ece students. Every day, we work hard to give the greatest computer science internship for ece students, as well as other sorts of internships that benefit students from various departments and locations.

Internship Tracks

Machine Learning

Day - 1: Introduction to Machine Learning
1. Introduction to Machine Learning.
2. How Machine Learning Useful in Daily Life
3. Machine Learning Goals and Deliverables.
4. Why Machine Learning
5. Machine Learning Tools.
Programming Essentials
Day - 2: Introduction to Python
1.Introduction to Python
2.Anaconda Installation and Introduction to Jupyter Notebook
Day - 3: Python Basics
1. Data Structures in Python (Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries, sets)
Day - 4: Python Baiscs
1.Loops, conditional arguments, Comprehensions, Inbuilt functions , string manipulation etc.
Day - 5: Python Baiscs
1.Introuction to OOPS, Inheritence,Polymorphism,Encapsualtion,Abstraction
Day - 6: Python for Data Science - Numpy
1. Introduction to Numpy.
2. Operations in Numpy
Day - 7: Python for Data Science - Pandas
1. Introduction to Pandas.
2. Operations in Pandas – Pandas Basics, Indexing and selecting Data,Merge and Append, Grouping and Summarizing, Lambda functions and Pivot tables
3. Introduction to Reading.
Day - 8: Python for Data Science - Matplotlub
1. Introduction to Matplotlib.
2. Types of plots with ExamplesInheritence,Polymorphism,Encapsualtion,Abstraction
Day - 9: Introduction to SQL
1. Introduction to Database design,.
2. Basics of SQL, Data Retrieval, sorting, compound functions and relational operators, pattern matching with wild cards.
3. Basics on Table creation, updating, modifying etc.
4. Overall Structure of data retrieval queries, Merging tables, User Defined Functions (UDF), Frames.
Statistics & Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
Day - 10: Introduction to Data Analytics
1. Business and Data Understanding
2. CRISP-DM Framework – Data Preparation, Modelling, Evaluation and Deployment
Day - 11: Data Visualization in Python
1.Introduction to visualization and Importance of Visualization
2. Introduction to various charts
3. Data visualization toolkit in Python (Libraries or modules available in Python)
4. Plotting Data in Python using matplotlib and seaborn – Univariate Distributions, Bi-variate Distributions
5. Plotting Time series data
Day - 12: Exploratory Data Analysis
1. Introduction to Data Sourcing and various sources available for data collection
2. Data Cleaning – Fixing rows and columns, Missing value Treatment, standardizing values, handling invalid values, Filtering data
Day - 13: Exploratory Data Analysis
1. Data types – Numerical, Categorical (ordered and unordered)
2. Univariate Analysis, Bivariate Analysis, Segmented univariate Analysis
3. Derived Metrics and Feature Engineering
Day - 14: Exploratory Data Analysis
1. Introduction to Outliers.
2. Identify Outliers
3. Outliers Handling using Imputation Techniques
Day - 15: Inferential Statistics
1. Introduction to inferential statistics – basics of probability, Random Variables, Expected value, Probability Distributions
2. Discrete and Continuous Probability Distributions
3. Central Limit Theorem – Introduction and Industrial applications
Day - 16: Hypothesis Testing
1. understanding Hypothesis Testing, Null and Alternate Hypothesis, Industry Relevance
2. Concepts of Hypothesis Testing – p value method, critical value method
3. Types of Errors, T Distribution, other types of tests
4. Industry Demonstration and A/B Testing
Day - 17: Case Study
1. Credit Analysis EDA
2. GDP EDA Analysis
Machine Learning - I
Day - 18: Introduction to Machine Learning
1. Introduction to Machine Learning – Supervised and Unsupervised learning Methods
Day - 19: Simple Linear Regression
1. Introduction to Regression and Best Fit Line
2. Assumptions of Linear Regression (LINE)
3. Cost Functions, Strength of Linear relationship – OLS, coefficient of correlation, coefficient of Determination
4. Intuition to Gradient Descent for optimizing cost function
5. Hypothesis Testing in Linear Regression
6. Building a Linear Model – Reading Data, Cleaning Data, Libraries available – Sklearn, Statsmodel.api
7. Model Building using Sklearn and Training and Test Data, Model Development, Model validation using Residual Analysis, Evaluation against the test Data
Day - 20: Multiple Linear Regression
1. Using Multiple Predictors for Linear Regression
2. Introduction to overfitting, Multi-collinearity
3. Dealing with Categorical variables – OHE, Dummies, Label Encoding
4. Building the model using statesmodel.api and importance of p-values
5. Model Evaluation Metrics – Coefficient of Determination, Adjusted R2, RMSE, AIC, BIC and other model evaluation Metrics
6. Variable Selection – RFE, Step wise selection etc.
7. Gradient Descent and Normal Equation for Multiple Linear Regression
8. Industry Demonstration: Linear Regression Case Study
Day - 21: Logistic Regression
1. Introduction to Classification
2. Binary classification using univariate logistic regression
3. Maximum Likelihood function, Sigmoid Curve and Best Fit
4. Intuition of odds and log-odds
5. Feature selection using RFE
6. Model evaluation – Confusion Matrix and Accuracy
7. Why Accuracy is not Enough and introduction to sensitivity, specificity, precision, recall, area under curve
8. Logistic Regression Case Study
Day - 22: Unsupervised Learning:Clustering
Means Clustering:

1. Understanding clustering with practical examples
2. KMeans Clustering – understanding the algorithm
3. Practical consideration for KMeans Clustering – Elbow curve, silhouette metric and hopkings test for clustering tendency of data, impact of outliers

Day - 23: Unsupervised Learning
Hierarchical Clustering:

1. Hierarchical clustering Algorithm
2. Interpreting the dendogram and Types of Linkages
3. Comparison of Kmeans clustering and Hierarchical clustering – advantages and disadvantages

Day - 24: Unsupervised Learning:Principal Component Analysis(PCA)
1. Intuition behind PCA and practical examples
2. Variance as information and basis transformation of vectors
3. Singular Value Decomposition and Identifying optimum principal components using scree plots
4. Model building with PCA
5. Advantages of PCA and Limitations
Machine Learning - II
Day - 25: Support Vector Machine Algorithm
1. Introduction to SVM and How does it works.
2. Advantages and Disadvantages of SVM
3. Kernal Functions in used in SVM
4. Applications of SVM
5. Implementation of SVM using Python
Day - 26: K Nearest Neighbors Algorithm
1. Introduction to KNN and How does it works.
2. Advantages and Disadvantages of KNN
3. Applications of KNN
4. Implementation of KNN using Python
Day - 27: Naive Bayes Algorithm
Naive Bayes:
1. Intoduction to Naive Bayes
2. Advantage and Disadvantage of Naive Bayes
3. Applications of Naive Bayes
4. Implementation of Naive Bayes using Python
Day - 28: Tree Models
Decision Trees:

1. Introduction to decision trees and Interpretation
2. Homogeneity measures for splitting a node 1. Gini Index 2. Entropy 3. R2
3. Understanding Hyper parameters – Truncation and Pruning
4. Advantages and Disadvantages
Random Forest:

1. Introduction to ensembling, bagging and intuition
2. Random Forest – Introduction and Hyperparamters
3. Building a model using Random Forest
4. Hyper-parameters impact on model and tuning them
5. Importance of predictors using Random Forrest

Day - 29: Boosting
1. Intuition behind Boosting
2. Introduction to Boosting Algorithms : XGBoost, lightGBM, Catboost
3. Advantages of Boosting Algorithms
4.XGBoost Model Building and importance of various Hyper parameters
5. Hyper-parameter tuning for XGBoost
Day - 30: Case Study
Correlation and Regression Analysis of Physicochemical Parameters of River Water for the Evaluation of Percentage
Day - 31: Case Study
Telecom Churn – Group Case Study
Day - 32: Time Series
1. Introduction to Time Series
2. Trend and seasonality
3. Decomposition
4. moothing (moving average)
5. SES, Holt & Holt-Winter Model
Day - 33: Time Series
1. AutoRegression, Lag Series, ACF, PACF
2. IADF, Random walk and Auto Arima
Day - 34: Text Mining
1. Introduction to Text Mining
2. Text cleaning, regular expressions, Stemming, Lemmatization
3. Word cloud, Principal Component Analysis, Bigrams & Trigrams
4. Text classification, Document vectors, Text classification using Doc2vec
Day - 35: Case Study
sentiment analysis Twiter Data
Day - 36: Project Development
Day - 37: Project Development
Day - 38: Project Development
Day - 39: Project Development
Day - 40: Project Development
Day - 41: Project Development
Day - 42: Project Development
Day - 43: Project Development
Day - 44: Project Development
Day - 45: Project Development