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MANOJ: +91 9676190678


407, 4th Floor, Pavani Prestige (R.S Brothers)Building, Ameerpet, Hyderabad, India Opposite Image Hospital & Beside KLM Fashion Mall.

About Python

Python is arguably the easiest language to start real programming and Django is the most popular web framework for Python. Together they form a deadly combination which helps you build smart web applications quickly and elegantly. Its ease of use and quick development turnaround has made these technologies a darling of Silicon Valley Entrepreneurs. Our content team has weaved together a course which will not only help you master Python and Django concepts but will add real world practical expertise to your knowledge. You will learn the mechanism and tricks to get your ideas to life while working on diverse projects such as E commerce sites , Message Boards, Image Gallery Site, Survey Site and Blogging App.

Internship Tracks


Day - 1: Inroduction to Web Deveopment
1. Introduction to Python and Django
2. Advantages of Django
3. Applications using Django.
4. Course Overview
Python Module
Day - 2: Introduction to Python
1. Introduction to Python
2. What python can Do? Why Python?
3. History of Python
4. Features of of Python
5. Flavours of Python
6. Advantages and Disadvantages of Python
Python Basics
Day - 3: Introduction and Data Types
1. Installation of Python,
2. Variables(Create, Assign, Multiple Assign)
3. Standard Data Types(Numbers, Strings)
4. Casting
Day - 4: Collections
1. Collections-Arrays(Lists,Sets,Tuples and Dict)
Day - 5: Operators and Control Statements
1. Operators
2. Control Statements
Day - 6: Loops And Functions
1. Making Decsions and Loop Control
2. Functions basics
3. Functions with Multiple Arguments
Day - 7: Functions
1. Anonymous Functions
2. User-Defined Modules.
3. Module Namespaces
4. Iterators
Day - 8: Exception and File handling
1. Errors and Exception Handling
2. File Handling
Python Advanced
Day - 9: OOPs Introduction
1. Introduction to OOPs
2. Class and Object
3. Constructor
4. Destructor
Day - 10: Inheritance and Encapsulation
1. Inheritance
2. Encapsulation
Day - 11: Polymorphism and Abstraction
1, Polymorphism
2. Abstraction
Day - 12: Garbage Collector
1. Python Memory manager
2. Garbage Collector
Day - 13: Advanced concepts
1. Generators
2. Closures
3. Decorators
Day - 14: Modules and Regular Expressions
1. Modules and Packges
2. Regular Expressions
Day - 15: Introduction to SQL
1. Introduction to Database design,.
2. Basics of SQL, Data Retrieval, sorting, compound functions and relational operators, pattern matching with wild cards.
3. Basics on Table creation, updating, modifying etc.
4. Overall Structure of data retrieval queries, Merging tables, User Defined Functions (UDF), Frames.
Day - 16: Introducntion to GUI Programming
1. Introduction to UI
2. Font and colors, root window, Components and Events
3. Frame, Cnavas.
4. Widget-Text, Label, Message
5. Buttons – Radio, Check, List Box
Day - 17: Introduction to Front End
1. Introduction to HTML
2. Introduction CSS
3. Introducion JavaScript
4. Introdunction to Bootstrap
Day - 18: Introduction to Django
1. What is Django? ,Django and Python
2. Features of Django
3. Installing Django
4. Understanding Django Environment
5. A simple “”Hello World”” Application
Day - 19: Introduction to Django
1. Django Architecture
2. Frameworks – MVC and MVT
3. HTTP concepts
Day - 20: Creating With Django Views
1. Creating Project
2. About View Functions, Using Django’s HttpResponse Class, Understanding HttpRequest Objects
3. Understanding HttpRequest Objects, Using QueryDict Objects
4. Create an polls app and write first view
Day - 21: Configuring URLs
1. About URLsConf
2. Regular Expressions and Expression Examples
3. Simple URLConf Examples and Using Multiple URLConf’s
4. Passing URL Arguments
Day - 22: Django templates
1. Template Fundamentals
2. Creating Template Objects
3. Loading Template Files
4. Filling in Template Content (Context Objects)
5. Template Tags and Filters
6. Template Inheritance
7. Sending Data from url to View and view to Template
Day - 23: Django Forms
1. Form classes
2. Validation
3. Authentication
4. Advanced Forms processing techniques
Day - 24: Django RestAPIs
1. Django REST framework
2. Django-piston
3. CRUD Operations
Day - 25: Unit Testing with Django
1. Using Python’s unittest2 library
2. Test
3. Test Databases
4. Doctests
5. Debugging
Day - 26: Django Database Models
1. About Database Models and Configuring Django for Database Access
2. Understanding Django Apps and Defining Django Models
3. Understanding Model Fields & Options and Table Naming Conventions
4. Creating A Django Model and Adding the App to Your Project
5. Validating the App
6. Generating & Reviewing the SQL and Adding Data to the Model
Day - 27: Django Database Models
1. Primary Keys and the Model
2. Simple Data Retrieval Using a Model
3. Understanding QuerySets and Applying Filters
4. Specifying Field Lookups and Lookup Types
5. Slicing QuerySets and Specifying Ordering in QuerySets
6. Common QuerySet Methods and Deleting Records
7. Managing and Retreving Related Records
8 . Using Q Objects
9 .Creating Forms from Models
Day - 28: Admin Interface
1. Enabling Admin Interface
2. Customizing Admin Interface
3. aAdding Users
4. Data Access and Modification Using admin panel
5. Giving Permissions to users
Day - 29: Access Control with Sessions and Users
1. Introduction to Cookie and Session and Their Differences
2. Creating Cookies/Sessions in Django
3. Sessions in Views and Tuning Sessions
4. Installing Django User Authentication
5. Building your own Login/Logout views
6. Adding and deactivating Users
7. Asyschronous Messaging and Managing Permissions
Day - 30: Other Database in Django
1. Using Sqlite
2. Confiuring Mysql/Oracle Database
3. Working With MySql/Oracle Database
Day - 31: Generic Views
1. Simple Generic View
2. Usng Generic Rediects
3. Create/Update/Delete Generic Views
Day - 32: Data Caching for performance
1. Introduction to Caching
2. Enabling Cahing in Django
3. Setting up per-veiw Caching
4. Site Chacing
Day - 33: Django Emails Functionality
1. Configuring Mail Settings
2. Sending Email
3. Other Email Functions
Day - 34: Integrating Bootstrap with Django
1. Creating tables,Grids,Carousels
Day - 35: Live Project Implementation
1.Project Life Cycle
2. Creating Functional Website in Django
Day - 36: Project Development
Day - 37: Project Development
Day - 38: Project Development
Day - 39: Project Development
Day - 40: Project Development
Day - 41: Project Development
Day - 42: Project Development
Day - 43: Project Development
Day - 44: Project Development
Day - 45: Project Development