Training Fee

One Day Internship : Rs. 3,500/-

45 Days Internship : Rs. 6,500/-

May June July

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407, 4th Floor, Pavani Prestige (R.S Brothers)Building, Ameerpet, Hyderabad, India Opposite Image Hospital & Beside KLM Fashion Mall.

Internship Tracks


Day - 1: Introduction to Python
What is Python?
Why do people use Python?
Who uses Python today?
What can I do with Python?
How is Python developed and supported?
Day - 2: Features of Python
Running a Python program
The Python Interpreter
The Python IDEs
Python implementation alternatives
Types and Operators
Day - 3: Introducing Core Data Types
Numbers and Strings
Lists and Sets
Dictionary and Tuples
Other core types and operators
Day - 4: Assignments and Expressions
The if statement
The if/else ternary expression
The while and for loops
Iterations and comprehensions
Day - 5: Why use Functions?
Function definition and calls
Python scopes
The LEGB rule
The global statement
Scopes and nested functions
Closures: The factory functions
The nonlocal statement
Day - 6: Passing arguments to Function
Keyword and Default arguments
Keyword only arguments
Writing your own print function
Advanced Function Topics
Day - 7: Recursive Functions
Anonymous Functions: lambdas
Functional programming tools: map, filter and reduce
Comprehensions and Generators
Day - 8: List Comprehensions
Generator functions
Generator expressions
Scopes and comprehensions variables
Set and Dictionary comprehensions
Bench marking
Day - 9: Timing iteration alternatives
Writing your own timing module
Timing module alternatives
Day - 10: Why modules?
Python program architecture
How import works
Module search path
Creating modules
Using modules
Module namespaces
Reloading modules
Day - 11: Introduction to package
Why use package imports?
Package relative imports
Pitfalls of package relative imports
Namespaces packages
Day - 12: Advanced Module concepts
Data hiding in modules
Understanding _main_ and _name_
Changing the module search path
Using as with import and from
Importing modules by Name String
Exposing the Modules further
Classes and OOPS
Day - 13: Data Visualization in Python
Creating classes
Creating Instance Objects
Accessing attributes
Built-in class attributes
Method calls
Abstract superclasses
Nested classes
Operator Overloading
Day - 14: Introduction
Indexing and slicing: _getitem_ and _setitem_
Iterableobjects: _iter_ and _next_
Membership:_contains,iter_ and _getitem_
Attribute access: _getattr_ and _setattr_
String representation: _str_ and _repr_
Right side and in-place uses: _radd_ and _iadd_
Overloading comparasion operators
Boolean tests: _bool_ and _len_
Call expression: _call_
Object destruction: _del_
Advanced class topics
Day - 15: Container ship
The ‘New Style’ class model
Static and class methods
Instance count with static methods
The ‘Super’ function
Exception Handling
Day - 16: What is an Exception?
Handling an Exception
The try,except and else blocks
Except clause with no exception
Except clause with multiple exceptions
The try-finally clause
Argument of an exception
Raising an exception
User defined exceptions
Built-in exception classes
Unicode and Byte Strings
Day - 17: Strings and Unicode Strings
Byte and Byte array objects
Text and Binary files
Unicode files
Pattern matching with re
Binary data module “struct”
Serializing objects with Pickle
XML parsing
Day - 18: What is a decorator?
Function decorators
Class decorators
Day - 19: What is a Metaclass?
The Metaclass model
Declaring Metaclasses
Coding Metaclasses
MetaclassVs Superclass
Metaclass methods Vs Class methods


Day - 1: Introduction to JDBC
Jdbc Architecture
Types of Drivers-Type 1,2,3,4
Transaction Management
ACID Properties
Connection Pooling
Batch Updations
Day - 2: SERVLETS:
Web application Architecture
Http Protocol & Http Methods
Web Server & Web Container
Servlet Interface
Servlet Life Cycle
Servlet Communication
Servlet-Browser communication
Web-component Communication
Session Tracking Mechanisms
Filters & Wrappers
Day - 3: JSP
Jsp LifeCycle
Jsp Implicit Objects & Scopes
Jsp Directives
Jsp Scripting Elements
Jsp Actions
Day - 4: Jsp Actions
1. useBean tag
2. setProperty tag
3. getProperty tag
4. include tag
5. forward tag
6. param tag
7. plug-in tag
8. params tag
9. fallback tag
10. directives tag
11. scriptlet tag
12. expression tag
Day - 5: Custom Actions
1. Classic Tags
2. Simple Tags
JSTL & Tag Library
Day - 6: Expression Languages
EL Operators
EL implicit Objects
EL Functions
Day - 7: Using a Java bean in a JSP
JSP Model 1 architecture
JSP Model 2 (MVC) architecture
Day - 8: Custom Tag Development
Classic Tags, Simple Tags
Error Handling in a JSP
Day - 9: JSTL
Expression Language
Processing XML in a JSPJSTL & Tag Library

C Language

Day - 1: Introduction to Software and Classification
System Software
Types of Operating System
Types of Programming Languages
Desirable Program Characteristics
Day - 2: Introduction to C
Evolution of C
Flavors of C Compilers
Features of C
Day - 3: The C character set
Identifiers and Keywords
Data types /Constants
Symbolic constants
Variables and Datatypes
Escape Sequences
Format Control Strings
The structure of C Program
First C Program
Standard Input and Output Functions
Day - 4: Library Functions
Single Character Input – The getchar Function
Single Character Output – The Putchar Function
Entering input Data – The scanf Function
More about the scanf/ Printf
The gets and Puts Function
Operators and type Conversions
Day - 5: Operators
Precedence and Order of Evaluation
Arithmetic Operators
Unary Increment and Decrement Operators
Unary Operators
Relational and Logical Operators
Assignment Operators
The Conditional Operator/ternary
Compound Assignment Operators
Sizeof operator
Implict type Conversion (coercion)
Explicit type conversion(casting)
Bitwise Operators
Control Structures
Day - 6: Statements and Blocks
The if / else
Nested Conditional Constructs
Switch statement
The while loop/ for loop
The do while loop
The break statement
The continue statement
The exit
Low Level Programming
Day - 7: Number Systems
Bitwise Operators
Bit Fields
Day - 8: Introducing Functions
Defining a Function
Accessing a Function
Function Prototype
Function calls
Return statements
Nested Functions
Day - 9: Memory Organization
Understanding Memory Concepts
Storage Classes
MultiFile Programs
Day - 10: Fundamentals
Address and Dereferencing
Pointer Declarations
Pointer operations
Pointers and Functions
Call by Value,call by reference
Pointer to Pointers
Passing Pointer to Functions
Void pointer
Function returning pointers
Day - 11: Array Declaration
Single Dimension Arrays
Multi Dimensional Arrays
Pointer and Arrays (Single Dimension)
Array of Pointers
Arrays as Function Arguments
Dynamic Memory Allocation
Day - 12: Introduction to Strings
Difference between char [] and char *
Standard String Library Functions
Introduction To Macros
Day - 13: The C Preprocessor
Introduction to Preprocessor
Macro Substitution
File Inclusion
Macro Testing
Conditional Compilation
Structures and Unions
Day - 14: Declaring a Structure
Accessing structure members
Nested Structures
Array of Structures
Structures and Pointers
Passing Structures to Functions
Pictorial Representation of above code
Structures as function arguments
Operations on Unions
Unions and Structures Differences
Uses of Structures
File Handling
Day - 15: Formatted and Unformatted file
I/0 functions
Day - 16: Random Access Files
Fseek() , ftell() and rewind()

Data Structures

Day - 1: Inroduction to Data Structures
Data Structures
Structured Representation
Statements and Control Structures
Abstract Data Types
Static & Dynamic Data Types
Arrays & Pointers
Linked List
What is an algorithm
Why analysis of Algorithms
Goal of analysis algorithms
What is the Running Time Analysis
How to Compare Algorithms
What is the Rate of Growth
Commonly Used Rate of Growth
Types of Analysis
Big-O Notation
Omega Notation
Theta Notation
Why is it called Asymptotic Notation
Guidelines for Asymptotic Notation
Properties of Notation
Commonly used Logarithms and Summations
Mater Theorem For divide and Conquer
Problems on divide and Conquer Master theorem
Master theorem for subtract and Conquer Recurrences
Variant of subtraction and conquer master theorem
Method of Guessing and Confirm
Amortized Analysis
Problems on Algorithms Analysis
Stacks with Algorithms
Day - 2: Defining stack
Application of stack
Conversion and Evaluation of Expressions
Operations of stack
Stack implemented as an array
Stack implemented with pointers
Using Stacks to solve problems
Standard Input and Output Functions
Day - 3: Library Functions
Single Character Input – The getchar Function
Single Character Output – The Putchar Function
Entering input Data – The scanf Function
More about the scanf/ Printf
The gets and Puts Function
Queues with Algorithms
Day - 4: Defining Queue
Application of Queue
Operation of Queue
Circular Queue
Priority Queue
Double Ended Queue
Queue implemented with Pointers
Differences between Stacks and Queues
Problems on Queues
Linked List
Day - 5: What is a Linked List
Advantages of Linked List over an Array
Application of Linked List
Types of Linked Lists
Singly Linked Lists
Operation of Singly Linked Lists
Doubly Linked Lists
Operations on Doubly Linked Lists
Circular Linked Lists
Circular Double Linked Lists
Uses of Linked Lists
Difference between Arrays and Linked List
A memory-Efficient Doubly Linked List
Problems on Linked List
Day - 6: Introduction Binary Trees
Implementation of Binary Trees
Insertion into a Binary Tree
Binary Tree Deletion
Traversing a Binary Tree
Binary Search Trees
Binary Height Balanced Trees
AVL Trees
B- Trees
Sorting Techniques with Order of Growth
Day - 7: Introduction Why Sorting Necessary
Classification of sorting Algorithms
Other classification
Bubble Sort
Selection Sort
Quick Sort
Merge Sort
Iterative Merge Sort
Introduction to Heap
Heap Operations
Heap Sort
Comparison of Sorting Algorithm
Non-Comparison Sorting Algorithm
Searching Techniques
Day - 8: Introduction
Linear Search
Binary Search
Hashing Techniques
Day - 9: What is Hashing
HashTable ADT
Hashing Techniques
Division Method
Mid Square Method
Folding Method
Hash Collision
Open Address
Day - 10: Types of Graphs
Various Representation of Graphs
Application of Graphs
Graph Traversals
Day - 11: Course Highlight
Paper Solving on all Data Structures Concepts including MNC Company Papers Amazon, Oracle ,Microsoft etc

Spoken English course

What we are going to teach
Definition of Listening, Reading, Writing and Communicating, Barriers in the path of Communication, Signposting, Outlines, Rephrasing, Listening to conversation (Formal and Informal), Techniques of reading, skimming, Scanning, SQ3R technique, Writing skills, Paragraph, Letter Writing, Essay writing, Memo, Circular, Notice, Cover Letter, Resume, Thesis, Summary, Précis, Speaking – How to converse with people, How to communicate effectively.
Module 1 – Communication skills in english
The Importance of English
English as the First or Second language
Uses of English
Other Uses of English
Module 2 – Listening skills
What is listening?
Types of Listening
Active Listening- an Effective Listening Skill
Note Taking Tips
Barriers for Good Listening
Purpose of Listening
Outlines and Signposting
Module 3 – Reading skills
Importance of Reading
Definition of Reading
Levels of Reading
Requirements of Reading
Types of Reading
Techniques of Reading
Academic Reading Tips
Module 4 – Writing skills
What is writing?
The Sentence
The Phrase
Kinds of Sentences
Parts of Sentence
Parts of Speech
Types of Sentences
Time Management Tips
Test Preparation Tips
Tips for Taking Exams
What is a Paragraph?
Construction of Paragraph
Linkage and Cohesion
Academic Essay Writing
Procedure for Thesis Approval and Deposit
Precis Writing
Report Abstracts
Letter Writing
Cover Letter
Resume writing
Module 5 – Communication skills – Speaking skills
Barriers of Communication
Types of Communication
Know What You Want To Say